Sunday, September 18, 2011

Day 190: Midterms, thunderstorms, and grocery shopping--Oh my!

This weekend was filled with midterms--oh, the joy! Two to be exact, with another one due next weekend. However, they weren't too horrible and didn't take up more than about 4 hours of my weekend total.

The good news is that Arron and I sat down (I use this phrase loosely, as we're 3000+ miles apart) and realized that if I hit the books hard next spring, I can graduate with my bachelor's in MAY. Say what?! Abso-freaking-lutely! Which means I am in the home stretch and only graduating a year late, which (I must brag) is impressive as this was my first summer ever taking classes AND I took a semester off to move to good ole Italia. :) To say that I am excited is an understatement.

In other news, I went to church this morning. Not just any church, but a Catholic mass. I was not raised Catholic, nor do I plan on converting, but I was open to see what it was all about and I got the chance to get to know a friend better because of it. :)

However, in the middle of the service, the thunderstorms hit. They lasted for a good while (long enough to get us all drenched as we're running amok to our vehicles after the service), and now they're back again to lead us into Sunday night. I love, love, LOVE thunderstorms... mainly because I love to lay in bed and read while they're assaulting the trees outside. :)

I put "grocery shopping" as a topic on here for one reason only... and you men may want to stop reading here. (Forewarned.) However, every woman knows that when it's that time of the month, you do not step into a grocery store unless you HAVE to. I made that mistake today... along with breaking Momma's #1 rule--never, ever go to the grocery store hungry. Oops. I had high hopes of making rosemary chicken and potatoes for dinner... but ended up with two chocolate chip with pecan cookies, chips, and salsa. Yum.

Oh, and Arron comes back next month. Can you say downhill slope? :D


  1. Grocery shopping sucks no matter what! And how awesome about graduating in May!!

  2. OMG... MAY?! Congrats! I got your text earlier and am just now remembering it lol, yayayay!

  3. Congrats on graduating soon! What is you degree in? I know that you are beyond excited that Arron will be home soon:)
