I have been meaning to post a conversation I had with a kinder about a month ago. At work, we have a spiral notebook that says on the front, "Kids Say the Funniest Things." And it is SO true. Anytime a child says something outrageous or hilarious, we write it in the book.
The following conversation occurred between myself and a boy kinder on the playground. For privacy's sake, I'll call him K.
Me: Hey, K, sit on this ladder really quickly so I can tie your shoe.
K: But it's going to hurt my butt!!
Me: Well, we use the word "bottom" here, but it won't take long.
K: (sits down) Some people like to call it their privates.
Me: Yes, you can call it that if you like.
K: I like the word "penis" better.
Me: (trying not to laugh) Okay, but let's use the word "privates" while you're here, okay?
K: Okay. (thinks) But only boys have penises. What do girls have?
Me: Well, they have privates too, just different. (thinking, "I am not giving sex ed to this kinder!!")
K: (thinking harder) Hmmm... I think girls just suck their penises in!! (quickly runs off)
Needless to say, that completely made my day. Kids seriously can say the funniest (and damnedest) things!!
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