Today was my last final for my first spring semester. I am stoked! While I don't get a Spring Break, it is still nice to know that I have two more classes done and out of the way.
Most of you probably don't know how my college works. In a normal semester, there are two mini-semesters. Each class I take is between 8-10 weeks long, so I take two or three classes at a once, which ends up being 12-18 hours a semester. I don't get a Thanksgiving break, or a Spring Break, and we only get a week for Christmas. But it's worth it to get this degree done!!
What somewhat confuses me about this college is the fact that the online classes' schedule and the face-to-face classes' schedule overlap. We just finished our second week of my Italian class, and just took finals for my online classes. However that works, this spring semester I will have taken 16 hours. I'll be taking two classes over the summer break, one of which didn't transfer from the University of Houston. So here I am, a PolySci major, taking an introduction course to PolySci after I've already taken several upper-level courses here. Which is why I'm taking it in the summer, since I should know the material already pretty well.
Today is April 1st, a.k.a. April Fool's Day. I played a few jokes on my kindergarteners, and got them good. I told them for snack today we were having bell pepper slices, and that was it. They looked at me in bewilderment until I told them, "April Fools! We're having sugar cookies with fresh fruit!" (Sugar cookies are probably their favorite snack, and the most sugar-packed thing we offer.) After that, I told them we'd be staying inside all day, even though it was a beautiful day, and we'd be doing nothing but reading all day. I saw a few tears well up in their eyes before I told them again, "April Fools!" They laughed and acted like I didn't get them. ;)
Along with April Fool's Day, today kicks off the Month of the Military Child. We're doing a big BBQ tomorrow with plenty of games and crafts and such to keep the kids occupied for a couple hours. :) It should be fun, as it's supposed to be another beautiful day in Italia!
Ciao ciao!
All your cute stories about the kids at work make me wonder how you and Arron have managed to make it this long without getting pregnant :)
ReplyDeleteHaha! That reminds me, I need to post a conversation I had with a kinder before Arron left!