First, today has been one week since Arron left. Sadly, it's seemed like three. Blegh!
However, today I wanted to direct your attention to my overwhelming obsession with Army Wives. Since it airs in the states on Sunday nights, my Monday mornings are devoted to Skyping Arron and watching the newest episode, which was episode 3 of season 5 today. *spoiler alert* What I want to know is, how in the world can they leave us hanging like that?!? In the middle of Tonya's bridal shower a black SUV pulls up and out comes the CAO officers (Casualty Assistance Officers). Oh no oh no oh no oh no.
On to other things... It has been absolutely gorgeous here in Italia the past couple days! I grabbed a shot of the mountains yesterday that I forgot to post. :)
That's Piancavallo, the ski resort at the top of the mountains. As you can see, there's still lots of snow, but not nearly as much as there was last month!
Today I started my Italian class on base. This is my first face-to-face class since I've been in Italy and transferred colleges. It's also been a full year since my first Italian class at the University of Houston. I actually didn't do too bad when it came to remembering, although there were definitely some people who just got out of the first class!
As of right now, I will graduate Summer 2012, which is only 5 years after I graduated high school--not bad, since I took a semester off to move here and was only taking 12 hours/semester at UH to work. I'm so excited about graduating; I can hardly wait. If I wasn't this close, I swear I'd give up--I'm so tired of round-the-clock classes! I didn't get a Thanksgiving break, or a Christmas one, or a Spring Break. Plus I'll be taking a class over the summer so there goes my summer break as well! Blegh. Just so close, I can taste it!
Arron and I have been Skyping on a regular basis now. Of course, this means me getting up at 6 am to catch him when he gets off work. Oh, the things we do for love. :) It's been good, though. Every day (except for today) I've gone back to sleep before work... today I had too much to do before class started at 11 to go back to sleep!
Work was crazy today, but it was a Monday, so that's normal. That's about it... off to do homework for the week!
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