I'm taking full advantage of my one-day weekend and starting spring cleaning! I'm about halfway done, if you count laundry to be done as well. Lots and lots of loads! It's a beautiful spring day here; I've got all of the windows open and I can hear the birds chirping and the San Quirino church bells. ♥
So far I've:
grocery shopped
washed our comforter at the laundromat
made myself a handy dandy bleach/water mixture to spray around the house
swept/mopped floors upstairs and downstairs
done three loads of laundry
Pledged our wooden bedroom set
put Arron's shoes and jackets in storage
... all within the past two hours! Woohoo for me.
Arron and I are trying to set up a schedule to Skype everyday around our schedules... It's not working quite yet, but we'll get the hang of it. His internet is not always reliable, and will cut off in the middle of our video calls sometimes. Oh well! That's the military life, I guess.
That's about all for now. I have to run up to the base in a couple hours (again) to meet someone, and then I'm going to stop by the BX and get a big storage container to put Arron's old ABU's and boots in. It's not a Saturday in the Holden household if we don't go to base twice! Ha.
Today, life is good. :)
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